Monday, October 16, 2006

Where's My Money, Bitch?

I'm sorry, but we are going to have to talk about how busy I am because that's all I've got. Take it or leave it.

To get a day off in my life it is basically a race to the huge yellow appointment book that sits on the receptionist's desk. I flip through it until I find an empty day and then scroll HL OFF across the page. I've been so busy lately that I actually forgot that I had that option. But this morning that yellow book caught my eye and I dove on it. But as I flipped through, I couldn't find an empty page...anywhere...not even a random Tuesday afternoon in November.

Now, I know that to a self-employed gal with a stable of employees to pay, this should seem like a bountiful blessing, but instead, my heart sunk. Luckily I'm not above faking the stomach flu to suddenly clear the books and earn myself a day in bed. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Big Daddy's birth, so I am currently trying to convince him that we both got food poisoning from bad Chinese food and have to stay in bed fucking all day tomorrow. But apparently my pootietang ain't what it used to be because he has so far been resistant. And well, it is sort of imperative that he agree to this because so far that's all I've got for his birthday.

I made a deposit of a little over nine grand last week and then promptly turned around and wrote out a stack of checks from it. Imagine my surprise when a few days later when I logged onto online banking expecting to see a five figure bank balance and instead saw my balance was $499. Apparently the bank lost the deposit, like straight up lost it and then turned around and took the entire $9K+ out of my account. Of course I didn't discover this little mess up until 4 p.m. Friday afternoon. But I was able to zoom to the bank quickly enough to make the bank manager pee on herself and replace my money. I'm not sure if the money replacement is permanent or just a loan, but in the meantime they are searching for my $9,232.89. Not surprisingly I'm not exactly reassured by this. It was Friday the 13th after all.

I realized the second that I pushed the post button last night that I had not attached the pictures. But then blogger (stupid, dumb, motherfucking blogger) wouldn't let me back on the blog all night to fix it. Maybe if you behave yourselves...


Blogger Joe

Will you marry me?

There will be no more "work."

Of course, you will have to move to Montana, which will be a trade off.

But there is an airport here, for when you need shopping and cosmopolitan experiences.

And you can totally redecorate my house. Or even buy a new one and start from scratch.

You're hot; I'm hot; Yellowstone has all kinds of bubbling hot geysers and stuff, so we wouldn't like, scorch the atmosphere.

This could work.

Call me.

12:29 PM  
Blogger hotlipz

Oh Joe, get in line.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous

wow, a two fo one special

call me and tell me what joe said

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous

that was ebonics up there

4:30 PM  

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