Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Monkey Off My Back

I feel so relieved.

I'm not quite sure why I didn't think of this before, but today while chasing around two horribly mannered puppies the perfect solution came to me like divine intervention.

Boarding school!

Pure fucking genius.

It took me a while, there was quite a bit of investigation and research involved, but by god, if there is a service out there to make my life easier, you know damn well I'll hunt it down. And I did. And yes, there is a doggie boarding school not too far from my house. I am a little bit concerned that they wouldn't tell me the price, that's never a good sign. But the way I see it, whatever the price is, it has got to be cheaper than all new floors for my house.

The girls will be shipped off to boarding school next week. And it has been claimed that two weeks later, they will be returned to me perfect little angels. And if for some reason they don't come back perfect angels, I'll just send them back for another semester until they get it right.



Blogger Big Pissy

Only you, Hot Lipz..... only you.

Well, actually, now that I think about it....I did know of someone else who did that. But he had a Mastiff.

Either way....as long as it makes your life easier.....that's all that matters.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Arcturus

I once had a bull mastiff. Big dog. But not as a big as a mastiff.

How do you suppose a small bull dog and a giant mastiff dog were mated to produce a bull mastiff??

So it's off to Miss MacGuiver's Finishing School for Dogs for your puppies ... may they win the coveted "First Bitches: Small Dog Division"

4:25 PM  
Blogger Big Pissy


" First Bitches: Small Dog Division"

I like it!

6:39 PM  
Blogger Joe

You kill me.

You are the female version of me, minus the outdoorsy, snowboarding, kayaking, hiking parts.

Luxury and convenience, my dear. Luxury and convenience.

9:05 PM  
Blogger hotlipz

and the external genitalia

9:19 PM  

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